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Image by Mitchell Griest

Hi, I'm Megan



My name is Megan Sprague (she/her) and I am grateful to connect with you!


I am a doctoral student studying Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in Depth Psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute. I hold a BA in Psychology with a focus in Ecopsychology and Transpersonal Psychology from Sonoma State University and a certification in Clinical Western Herbalism from the California School of Herbal Studies. I have completed trainings in trauma-informed care, suicide awareness, cannabis and adolescent mental health, empathic caregiving, supporting LGBTQ+ youth, and intuitive soul healing reading. Outside my studies, I have dedicated over two years of training and am initiated as a Mesa carrier in the traditional Andean Wisdom teachings of Q’eros Nation under the ongoing mentorship of Pampamesayok wisdom keeper Don Agustín Machacca Flores. My doctoral research explores Celtic traditional entheogenic and Earth-wisdom practices and their applications in healing generational trauma in adults of the Irish diaspora.


As a psychotherapy trainee, I am interested in working with individuals seeking support around depression, chronic illness, gender exploration and identity, the effects of alcoholism in families, life path and purpose, connection to nature through ritual, and engaging with the spiritual nature of the lived experience. I combine Depth Psychology, Ecopsychology, and earth-based wisdom traditions in my approach to healing as a return to wholeness.


To find out more about what I am up to and my research interests, please find me on Linkedin or send me an email at​

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